Thursday, May 13, 2010

Post Trial Reflection
1. Summarize the facts of the case, as presented by the prosecution. Include relevant witnesses and testimony.

The prosecution side presented three witnesses, 2 being our founding fathers john Adams and James Madison and congressmen from Arizona Raul Grijalva. The prosecution side wanted to prove that the law senate bill 1070 was violating the American sprit of immigrant history. Their goal was to start of with the founding fathers and explain with what ideas this country was founded and what immigrants represent. John Adams, the second president of the United States talked about his role in the Boston massacre. He was the lawyer protecting British soldiers who were non-citizen he believed everyone should be given free trial. He admitted that the alien sedition act (similar to SB1070) was unconstitutional. James Madison was one of the most important founding father of our country author of the bill of rights and father of the constitution. He made it clear to the jury that the constitution protects every one in American soil including non-citizens. He also said that constitution is our American sprit. Raul grijalva congressmen of Arizona explained about the situation Arizona is now and how it’s affecting the people. He also talked about how this law is useless and how this has happen before through prop 187.

2. Summarize the facts of the case, as presented by the defense. Include relevant witnesses and testimony.

The defensive presented 3 witness Jan brewer governor of Arizona, Russell pears senator of Arizona and Officer Kenneth Collins who was killed by an illegal immigrant. Their argument was that the federal government was not doing their job they decided to take action. They think that senate bill 1070 will protect the citizen of Arizona against illegal immigrants. Jan brewer said that this law will not bring any type of racial profiling but yet she didn’t have an answer to what was “reasonable suspicion” to determine if some on was an illegal immigrant. She also talked about drug cartels and kidnapping that illegal immigration has brought to Arizona. Russell Pearce also clarified what the senate bill1070 was and agreed with Jan brewer they think Arizona is in danger with so many illegal immigrants. He also contridicted the founding father James Madison because he said that they got tired of righting citizen so they wrote people no because the actually meant everyone in the constitution. Officer Kenneth Collins gave his testimony about being killed by illegal immigrant.

3. What was the most significant piece of evidence, in your personal opinion?
The witnesses gave the most important

In my opinion that most significant piece of evidence was bring up 14, 4, 5, 6, amendments and explaining what makes a law federal or state. I think when people see things with there own eyes they get a better understanding. I also taught that it was very important for James Madison the author of the bill of right to explain what each amendment means and who it protects.

From the defensive I think the most important piece of evidence were facts. They proved that a high percentage of immigrants are involved in gang and crimes. But I think that most of the immigrant that risk their lives crossing the desert is to give their family a better live not to create violence. There is a high rate of Latinos involve in gang but I think most of them where born here and don’t recognize and appreciate what their parents did for them. I also think it sad to see how 70 percent of the people in Arizona are forward the law. This makes me feel that we haven’t made any progress in human rights!

4. What was the most significant argument made, in your opinion?

The most significant argument is if sb1070 is considered a state law. I agree in how it can be enforcing the law of immigration but I think this law gives to much power to the authority and can easily lead to violation of human rights. I think that the SB1070 is not going to end immigration in Arizona or stop crime I think its actually going to stem up anger against illegal immigrants and racist citizens.

5. What do you personally believe the correct verdict should be? Do you agree with the jury? Why or why not?

I think the law is completely useless and it not only violates the constitution but human rights, which are the most important. This country has contributed a 100 percent to their immigration problem. They have helped create situations in other countries really bad that their only way to succeed is by immigrating to this country. In my opinion unites states has the power to resolve this problem but they don’t want to because a lot of people benefit from cheat immigrant work. I also think that an immigration reform is not a solution. Unites states need to work close with this countries to come up with an efficient soltution. United sates, is the older brother of Latin American and we need to help them build up a stronger government system so these 3rd world countries don’t feel the need to immigrate to a diferent country to become some one.

I think I deserve a ___ out of 50 points because I did the following things. I researched each of my witness and found ways they can contribute to my argument, proving that sb1070 is violating the sprit of immigrant history in america. I also researched about history and the constitution to understand what is our American spirit and how is sb1070 violating it. I could have done better at organizing my information by coming up with better question for my whiteness that right away supported my argument.

Monday, May 3, 2010

optional assignment
Kurt Vonnegut named his son mark after mark twain he believed that he was and american saint.
"Like Mark Twain, Mr. Vonnegut used humor to tackle the basic questions of human existence: Why are we in this world? Is there a presiding figure to make sense of all this, a god who in the end, despite making people suffer, wishes them well?" link\

I'm interested to read kurt vonnegut's book because i have hear that he completely revolutionized the writing style we write and look today. i also started reading some part of the book and i though it was cool how is sound more as if he was talking other then writing like most writers do. I have read before a book of mark twain and i though it was okay but not the best book i have read so I'm interested to learn what he admire about mark twain writing.