Thursday, August 11, 2011

July 13, 2011
Daniel Gilbert’s “Reporting Live from Tomorrow”

Section 1
1. What does Gilbert think is wrong or misleading about the reply “Que sera, sera”? Why does he use it at the beginning of the article?
Gilbert doesn’t think the teacher’s response was wise or helpful. He mentions that the child did the right think of asking for the teacher’s advice. This is one of our benefits of being social and linguistic we can ask others for their experiences, rather then figuring it out for ourselves. I think Gilbert starts the chapter with this so the reader can connect right away. Most people have been in the situation where we ask some one for advice or help and expected them to give us advice, that’s is more useful then a “Que sera, sera” responds.
2. Why does Gilbert suggest that we ask others for information to inform our decisions?
Gilbert believes that other people’s experiences and options can inform us better about or own decisions. Our ability to communicate with others should help us solve or doubts, but we don’t take advantage of it. Gilbert compares humanity to a “living library of information about what it feels like to do just about anything that can be done. “ But we Americans are still making bad decision. Gilbert proves his point with this information, “average Americans moves more then six times, changes jobs more than ten times and marries more then once.” We need to take advantage of our library cards and communicate with each other more. (Gilbert pg6)
3. What two reasons does Gilbert give for why we still make bad decisions?
There are two possibilities of why we make bad decisions in our lives. One of them is that when we ask for advice its either wrong and we listen, or good advice and we completely ignore it. Most of us probably ignore both advices. I believe our American society is all about ignoring, especially when it comes from older people who have experienced a similar situation, we close or minds to their opinions and think that our situations are totally different. We can’t imagine some one was in our situation.
Section 2: Super-replicators
4. What is a super-replicator gene? How does Gilbert use this biological concept to illustrate the transmission of beliefs in our culture?
A super replicator gene is the strong dominated gene that passes on and as it replicates it gains more power. The gene replicating processes’ is very similar in how beliefs became strong and quickly spread. Beliefs work very efficiently because once you have a belief; you want everyone to think like you. This belief processes quickly becomes a cycle that involves every one around it. .
5. Why can false beliefs be replicated just as easily as accurate beliefs?
Wrong or right beliefs are part of the same transmission process. When you belief something that doesn’t mean it is real or false you are just convinced. The same process happens beliefs are passed down from person to person and eventually forms its own “means of transmission”. As more people support a belief the more that join it and think its true.
6. Why is money a false super-replicator belief, according to Gilbert’s research?
Gilbert thinks that money is not going to make people happy, he agrees with this belief and gives many examples to prove it. His researched concluded that money only makes humans happy when they live in very poor conditions and are put into the middle class. However, Americans who live in the middle upper class are not much happier then those how live in the upper class. Gilbert explains that after you have reached a point “the rest of you money is an increasingly useless piles of paper”. (Gilbert pg8)
Declining marginal utility
7. Do you think gilberts claim about money and children is true? Is it well supported by evidence?
I believe that both money and children can make me happy. I know I’m going to spend many hours on both but the rewards are satisfactory. When you balance you time and work there is no need why to think they wont bring happiness. I agree that society has indoctrinated us to think that money is success. I feel that there is more propaganda about birth controls that prompts couples to wait and think twice before starting a family. I don’t think we compare family with happiness as much as we used to. Gilbert did provided evidence for all of the points he mentions. His studies show that married couples are happier with our children. And money only makes very poor people happy when they are move in to the middle class.
Finding the solution
8. What is surrogate? Why does Gilbert think we should use them more?
Surrogators in this chapter are people who predict things according to previous experiences. Gilbert thinks we are better off predicting based on some ones experience, instead of imaging things for our own. He doesn’t think we can predict or emotions correctly.

9. What are the 3 problems with imagination?
There are there 3 shortcomings of why our imagination is not reliable. “We fill in leave out without telling us.” When we are in hot situations we fail to imagine or predict the real consequence of or actions that we would normally. Our Second imagination problem is our tendency to “project the present onto the future”. When we imagine our self in the future we tend to miss out many thing but we fill in the gaps with thing from the present. The third imagination problem is that we fail to recognize that things will look a lot different after they happen. When we think something bad is going to happen we exaggerate and imagine the worst. A good example for this is when a loving one dies, we think we will never get over it but its really not that bad time heels everything.
10. Why is surrogate better than our own imaginations?
I think our imaginations are similar to dreams, not very realistic and when we are making important decisions it’s better to understand other people’s points of views. Predicting the out come of something after you have heard people’s experience makes your predictions more realistic. We should learn from others, this will saves us time.
Rejecting the solution
11. Why don’t we like the idea of using surrogate to inform our decisions?
We know the solution to our imagination/prediction problem but our biggest mistake is that we think we are to unique! We can’t accept that other people have gone through the same problems and are similar to us. We need to learn to take peoples advice and listen. I don’t think we all have the same emotional response, but I do believe its better to predict things after you have heard other results.
12. What are the 3 reasons why we think we’re all special?
First, according to Gilbert we are special because we only know ourselves very well. Second we enjoy thinking of ourselves and thirdly we overestimate are uniqueness. We think we are better then average people and super different from one another. This is depressing because you will never want to talk or take advice of the “average people” because you feel more dominate. There are so many things we are missing out by putting up “uniqueness boundaries”.

13. Why do cultural ideas present themselves as [false] prescription of happiness?
We are puppets of society they eventually make us to believe what they want. But when things are presented as happiness, beliefs are transmitted faster to every one regarding if they are real or false.

14. What do you think we should do with the information Gilbert presents? What we can learn from it?
I think he wants us to reflect and realize that we are being manipulated by society and media. Most of American work to became successful and happy but media has leaded us to think that money is success we want. Through out the chapter I think Gilbert is encouraging us to get out or everyday work cycles, that are not make us very happy, and meet people. Learn about their experiences success, failures and hopefully learn knew thing that can help us predict our future and happiness, better.


July 12, 2011
In the article, “Everybody Have Fun” (2010), experienced writer Elizabeth Kolbert informs what we should do with happiness research. The author supports her claim by analyzing “The Politics of Happiness: What Government can Learn from the New Research on Well Being”, “Happiness Around the World: The Paradox of Happiness and Miserable Millionaires” and “Stumbling on Happiness”. As a result of reading this text, the author wants readers to reflect and understand that. “Happiness is a good thing just; it’s just not the only thing” The author creates an informative relationship with educated readers of The New Yorker Magazine.

In the article, “Dear Graduates: Money is Means”(2006) writer Daniel Akst asserts that money will buy you a better life. The author support this assertion by exampling the personal benefits; good relationships, better educations and good health. As a result of reading this text, the author wants readers to acknowledge the benefits of money but it’s our natural disposition to be happy or not. The author creates a reflective relationship with readers of The New York Times.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Semester Reflection Part 1
Choose at least three (3) of the following and answer them in depth. I will quote from your answers in your report card comments, so please take time to edit & revise your writing, ensuring that it is ready for public consumption. For each answer, be sure to use specific evidence & examples.

What have you learned about the way you learn, work, and/or collaborate?
What project was most valuable to you, and what have you gained from it?
Describe in detail one significant academic challenge you faced this year. Why was it a challenge for you? Go in depth, use specific experiences, and explain how they contrast with a less challenging experience.
Describe one valuable mistake you made this year.
What is your greatest strength as a student in a project-based learning environment?
What challenges do you face as a student in a project-based learning environment?
This blog post is due at 11:59:59pm on Thursday, June 17. all students will receive up to a possible 20/20 for complete & excellent writing.
Writing Reflection

Explain one or more specific aspects of your writing that have improved this year. In this explanation, you must directly refer to at least two specific pieces of writing that you produced for this class. You may use any assignment, project, writing sample, draft, blog entry, etc. You should discuss the writing tips & strategies we studied, the processes & methods we used, the critiques & drafts we employed and the products we created (feel free to use these specific key terms to keep your reflection focused).
Our first blog assignment was to outline what we hoped to gain in junior year, what are overall goals are. I wrote that my main goal was to improve my writing, reading and participation in class. I feel proud of my self because I think my writing has improved tremendously over the course of the year. In the beginning of the year I was really shy in class; I felt I was not smart compared to everyone else. Joann, my 10th grade teacher, told me that Randy is a great writer and he is going to push us to give high quality work. I was scared that randy was going to put me on the spot and embarrass me. So I decided not to participate at all in class. The first week past and I realize that randy was really chill so I decided to take honor. I knew that if I took honors it was going to be a challenge because English is not my first language. I decided to take on the honors agreement because I want to become a better writer and I need challenging work where am expected to produce better quality work.
Our first writing project was the American Icon. When I had finished writing my piece I felt I had produced a high quality work. I tried using all of the writing tips we had learned to that point. I used the loop as an outline for my writing piece; I started with a quote and fished it with facts. I compared my first writing project in the 11th grade American icon to an article I wrote and felt the most proud of in 10th grade. I saw a big difference between both of them. My 10th grade article is kind off just there, it has good information but not a really audience and a point trying to be prove. One of the first writing tips we learned in Randy’s class is that amateur writers write for themselves. Professional writers write for and an audience. I realized that writing for my self and not an audience was making my writing pointless. I had good ideas but I didn’t know what I was trying to prove. On my American icon I start off by quoting a poem Sor Juana said, then I took the reader deeper into who Sor Juana is and I end with facts to leave the reader with something to think about I felt I used the loop very well for my first time.
The loop improved my writing tremendously; I started to enjoy writing! Our first honors assignment was to write and article using the loop. In one of the group critiques we had, Randy showed my article as a good example. I was very happy and started to feel comfortable in class.
During internship I was asked to write and article about NAFTA. I was scared at first because I knew writing is not my strength but I could not say no. I send my first draft to Diana my 9th grade teacher so I could give my mentor something that has already been critiqued. Diana wrote back to me saying that she taught it was good and she didn’t have any corrections. I couldn’t believe it! I always got my paper back bleeding with correction. I gave it to my mentor and he liked it; he made a few corrections and then he published it.
When we started brainstorming for ampersand I tried to think of a topic I was passionate about and I want people to be aware. I tried applying a lot the writing tip we had learned over the year in my ampersand-writing piece. I wanted it to be the highest quality work I had produced in class. The writing tips I used the most was concerts not pancakes to keep my sentences strong improve quantity to improve quality removing “ing” making meaning early and many more. Overall I think I did pretty well, I mixed my personal experience with facts and I think I left the reader with something to think about. What helped the most was drafting and revision I went trough about 2 drafts of brainstorming and 3 writing critiques "create, share, critique and repeat! I know that my writing is not even close to high quality work but it has improved. I appreciate the time that Larry Rosenstock the CEO of HTH took to came to talk to my class about how proud he is of ampersand. Larry read some sentence he liked from my article and explained how he agreed and connected with them. I felt I had accomplished that reading tip were the writer creates a relation ship with the audience.

Describe one specific goal for your future writing. Your explanation of your goal(s) must include some or all of the following: writing samples from this year, writing strategies you have used in the past, writing strategies or techniques you would like to develop, examples from authors you respect, etc.

Now that I learned how to write! My goal for my future writing is to expand my vocabulary. This was one of my primary goals when the year began, but I didn’t have a chance to improve on it as much as I wanted to. I want to expand my vocabulary so I can transfer my ideas to paper with more power and imagery.
One of the authors I respect is Kurt Vonnegut. I feel his writing is very interesting his analogy are very strong and the whole time you are reading his books you have a clear image of what he is talking about. It’s also kind of easy to interpret thing differently since he writes about strong topics and compares them to something completely different like babies and war.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Historical Reflections
I am very nervous to go into college, but if I have the chance of choosing a historical figure to be my roommate it will definitely be Franklin D Roosevelt. I want to major in sociology and political sciences and I think FDR can give me valuable advice. It will be such a relief to have him as a friend, I can always ask him for help and his answer are going to be the best. I have many questions about how the political world works and it would be very interesting to see what he responds. I also want to know what are his view on immigration, does he agree with 1070, what should be done to stop illegal immigration.

I admire how FDR acted with the new deal to get the United States out of the great depression. Our world is currently suffering a recession and it would be interesting to see what is going on in FDR’s mind today and the solutions he is thinking of. If he becomes president I would ask him to not forget about Latin America and to legalize weed like he did with prohibition. He would probably agree because he did it before and legalizing weed will reduce the high crime rates in lain America especially México. In conclusion we need FDR as president again he has been the most productive and well respective president I have heard about. But before he becomes president and saves the world he needs to be my roommate!

One day I would love to open up and orphanage/organization where we offer education to homeless children. I believe like FDR that “Peace, like charity, begins at home.” So if these children are not given love and home what is going to become of them? I know that FDR is the perfect person to ask him for advice in how to start this organization because he believes “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.” and this is exactly my goal with giving children better opportunities I want them to have a better future.

If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Peace, like charity, begins at home.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Monday, June 7, 2010

Literary Reflections...

If you could bring one character from any one book that we have read this year with you when you go to college, who would bring? Why?

If I could bring one character from the seven books we have read this year when I go to college, it will defiantly be Jay Gatsby from, The Great Gatsby because he is determine, loyal and a good hearted person. Jay Gatsby was the character I connect and understood the most. I have many friends very similar to him, they are determined, to leave their past, start a new life and work hard to turn their hopes into reality. This is something I really admire and respect from a person; I think it is essential to have something in life to fight for in order to have a real life. In my opinion Jay Gatsby was very innocent for the real world, he got lost and started fighting for the wrong dream that eventually lead to his death. “his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it. He did not know that it was already behind him." He was determined to win daisy’s “love” back with money but realized that she was not worth fighting for. I consider my self a good trustful friend and I will like to have him as a friend in college. I think he suffered a lot and thought that the only thing that was going to bring him happiness was money and Daisy. I would have help him realized a lot sooner that his goal is unreachable and worthless. Then I will convince him to change his dream in to something that will benefit a lot of people, like starting an organization in a developing country were he can help give children opportunities to succeed. I believe that jay Gatsby is a good person and will enjoy spending his money and time helping kids. Eventually this will help him replace his obsession with daisy and he will finally find peace and happiness with him self. “They’re a rotten crowed…you’re worth the whole damn bunch put together” I agree with nick Jay Gatsby could do so much better then spend his life as puppet throwing big parties in that materialistic society he is lost in.

And….. it is always good to have a rich friend as roommate. I could convince him to pay for my college, maybe buy me a car, and help me start my dream organization in Tijuana helping orphan children. I could convince that we need to offer these children better opportunities to succeed so they don’t make the same mistake he did to reach his materialistic goal (drug dealing!) I would love to have him as a roommate we can throw real parties!! convince him to buy me house in cancun!
I wish this is real!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Post Trial Reflection
1. Summarize the facts of the case, as presented by the prosecution. Include relevant witnesses and testimony.

The prosecution side presented three witnesses, 2 being our founding fathers john Adams and James Madison and congressmen from Arizona Raul Grijalva. The prosecution side wanted to prove that the law senate bill 1070 was violating the American sprit of immigrant history. Their goal was to start of with the founding fathers and explain with what ideas this country was founded and what immigrants represent. John Adams, the second president of the United States talked about his role in the Boston massacre. He was the lawyer protecting British soldiers who were non-citizen he believed everyone should be given free trial. He admitted that the alien sedition act (similar to SB1070) was unconstitutional. James Madison was one of the most important founding father of our country author of the bill of rights and father of the constitution. He made it clear to the jury that the constitution protects every one in American soil including non-citizens. He also said that constitution is our American sprit. Raul grijalva congressmen of Arizona explained about the situation Arizona is now and how it’s affecting the people. He also talked about how this law is useless and how this has happen before through prop 187.

2. Summarize the facts of the case, as presented by the defense. Include relevant witnesses and testimony.

The defensive presented 3 witness Jan brewer governor of Arizona, Russell pears senator of Arizona and Officer Kenneth Collins who was killed by an illegal immigrant. Their argument was that the federal government was not doing their job they decided to take action. They think that senate bill 1070 will protect the citizen of Arizona against illegal immigrants. Jan brewer said that this law will not bring any type of racial profiling but yet she didn’t have an answer to what was “reasonable suspicion” to determine if some on was an illegal immigrant. She also talked about drug cartels and kidnapping that illegal immigration has brought to Arizona. Russell Pearce also clarified what the senate bill1070 was and agreed with Jan brewer they think Arizona is in danger with so many illegal immigrants. He also contridicted the founding father James Madison because he said that they got tired of righting citizen so they wrote people no because the actually meant everyone in the constitution. Officer Kenneth Collins gave his testimony about being killed by illegal immigrant.

3. What was the most significant piece of evidence, in your personal opinion?
The witnesses gave the most important

In my opinion that most significant piece of evidence was bring up 14, 4, 5, 6, amendments and explaining what makes a law federal or state. I think when people see things with there own eyes they get a better understanding. I also taught that it was very important for James Madison the author of the bill of right to explain what each amendment means and who it protects.

From the defensive I think the most important piece of evidence were facts. They proved that a high percentage of immigrants are involved in gang and crimes. But I think that most of the immigrant that risk their lives crossing the desert is to give their family a better live not to create violence. There is a high rate of Latinos involve in gang but I think most of them where born here and don’t recognize and appreciate what their parents did for them. I also think it sad to see how 70 percent of the people in Arizona are forward the law. This makes me feel that we haven’t made any progress in human rights!

4. What was the most significant argument made, in your opinion?

The most significant argument is if sb1070 is considered a state law. I agree in how it can be enforcing the law of immigration but I think this law gives to much power to the authority and can easily lead to violation of human rights. I think that the SB1070 is not going to end immigration in Arizona or stop crime I think its actually going to stem up anger against illegal immigrants and racist citizens.

5. What do you personally believe the correct verdict should be? Do you agree with the jury? Why or why not?

I think the law is completely useless and it not only violates the constitution but human rights, which are the most important. This country has contributed a 100 percent to their immigration problem. They have helped create situations in other countries really bad that their only way to succeed is by immigrating to this country. In my opinion unites states has the power to resolve this problem but they don’t want to because a lot of people benefit from cheat immigrant work. I also think that an immigration reform is not a solution. Unites states need to work close with this countries to come up with an efficient soltution. United sates, is the older brother of Latin American and we need to help them build up a stronger government system so these 3rd world countries don’t feel the need to immigrate to a diferent country to become some one.

I think I deserve a ___ out of 50 points because I did the following things. I researched each of my witness and found ways they can contribute to my argument, proving that sb1070 is violating the sprit of immigrant history in america. I also researched about history and the constitution to understand what is our American spirit and how is sb1070 violating it. I could have done better at organizing my information by coming up with better question for my whiteness that right away supported my argument.