Monday, June 7, 2010

Literary Reflections...

If you could bring one character from any one book that we have read this year with you when you go to college, who would bring? Why?

If I could bring one character from the seven books we have read this year when I go to college, it will defiantly be Jay Gatsby from, The Great Gatsby because he is determine, loyal and a good hearted person. Jay Gatsby was the character I connect and understood the most. I have many friends very similar to him, they are determined, to leave their past, start a new life and work hard to turn their hopes into reality. This is something I really admire and respect from a person; I think it is essential to have something in life to fight for in order to have a real life. In my opinion Jay Gatsby was very innocent for the real world, he got lost and started fighting for the wrong dream that eventually lead to his death. “his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it. He did not know that it was already behind him." He was determined to win daisy’s “love” back with money but realized that she was not worth fighting for. I consider my self a good trustful friend and I will like to have him as a friend in college. I think he suffered a lot and thought that the only thing that was going to bring him happiness was money and Daisy. I would have help him realized a lot sooner that his goal is unreachable and worthless. Then I will convince him to change his dream in to something that will benefit a lot of people, like starting an organization in a developing country were he can help give children opportunities to succeed. I believe that jay Gatsby is a good person and will enjoy spending his money and time helping kids. Eventually this will help him replace his obsession with daisy and he will finally find peace and happiness with him self. “They’re a rotten crowed…you’re worth the whole damn bunch put together” I agree with nick Jay Gatsby could do so much better then spend his life as puppet throwing big parties in that materialistic society he is lost in.

And….. it is always good to have a rich friend as roommate. I could convince him to pay for my college, maybe buy me a car, and help me start my dream organization in Tijuana helping orphan children. I could convince that we need to offer these children better opportunities to succeed so they don’t make the same mistake he did to reach his materialistic goal (drug dealing!) I would love to have him as a roommate we can throw real parties!! convince him to buy me house in cancun!
I wish this is real!

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