Monday, April 26, 2010

Semester DOS, Honors History #2
World War One and World War 2 are often seen like part one and two of a big civil war in Europe. I agree with this idea—even though a civil war is within a single nation. The Great War impacted, not only the United States system of working but also the whole world. Most of our countries philosophy on war developed and cleared up during this time. After War World 2 ended the world was divided by the system of government, ideas of freedom, and power of wealth (Monroe Doctrine) eventually forming allies and enemies among our countries today.

I think it’s a essential for every country to go through a civil war it helps the countries get organize with what type of government systems they what to become. I think the main cause of both wars was because of the different governing system and land/property they wanted. Some countries still had monarchy, tsars others wanted communism capitalism fascism all being different forms of government. I think both of world wars help them clear up what they wanted to become. Today the world is divided into form of government countries are allies with other countries that share the same type of government and the most popular government system is Capitalist or communist. This is the reason why we are not friends with Cuba and North Korea because they are communist and we are capitals.

World war 2 help untied states clear up the reasons why we will go to war and they are based on are 4 freedoms. Franklin D. Roosevelt the current president at the time stated everywhere in the world" ought to enjoy: four essential human freedoms. Freedom of speech and expression. Freedom of religion freedom from want freedom of fear. We joined ww2 to because Germany was not following the 4 freedoms, which was most of them. Today we are currently in war with the Middle East for the same respond. These countries are not giving the people their 4 essential freedoms like religion speech and expresion and freedom from want. If a country does not follow these freedoms they immediately become our enemy’s. If a country was not following one of this rules if automatically because USA enemy. According to bush this its the reason why we are country in what with Iraq they where following the 4 essential human freedoms.

Once the Great War ended there was a winning side and losing side. The winner including United States and Great Britain became the most powerful countries into the world. the Monroe doctrine allowed United states to became in charge of the Americas and Great Britain in charge of Europe Africa and Asia. Latin America still to this day is depends on unites states. if their economy is bad it affects every in Latin America. This policy also stated that Europe could no longer colonize land or interfere with America—United States while view it as aggression to the US. The Doctrine also asserted that the United States couldn’t interfere with European colonies or africa the east. the United sates became to Latin America the older brother and the same thing happened to great Brittan in Europe.

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