Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Blog #16: MSB comments, ideas, plans, critiques and more!

From Dani's blog post, "Re: Optional Assignment"I realized how a documentary can be interesting if you spend time with it and make sure that the transition are smooth. I also realized how important music is in a video. the song has to be different with no repeating beeps. seeing the video made me think that i have to record shoot from different angles it will make it look professional.

From Yesenia's & blog post,Blog #15—Possible MSB products I thought it was really cool how she was planning to make an art piece, like an animal made from trash (Aluminum soda cans). i think it is really creative, even though i am making a documentary she made me remember about being unique and creative. I am still thinking of what I'm going to add to my documentary to make it different and attention getting.

From Ruben's & blog post,"Narrowing it down" I thought his main idea "How and why should americans use there business skill to clean up the beach and make money at the same time?" is really strong, he is going to come up with a powerful project. His idea made me think of what other question can help me make a good documentary.

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