Friday, October 23, 2009

Honors History Writing #2

America needs William McKindley
magda aguirre

The stock market crashed, last year, resulting in a widespread economic depression leaving many to struggle. More than 3 million people are unemployed, and 15,000 businesses, 600 banks and 74 railroads were forced to declare bankruptcy. The government has no plan to end this economic depression. The elections are coming up and more then ever Americans need change. Americans cannot afford another selfish president that does not care about the nation. The depression of 1893 has left most families in debt with no hope. The USA needs to move in a new direction and William McKinley will help guide this country.

“..this year is going to be a year of patriotism and devotion to country. I am glad to know that the people in every part of the country mean to be devoted to one flag, the glorious Stars and Stripes; that the people of this country mean to maintain the financial honor of the country as sacredly as they maintain the financial honor of the country as sacredly as they maintain the honor of the flag.” Says William McKinley in one of his speeches convincing all of us that he cares about our nation.

The fundamental question that will determine our future, this November 3 in the elections, is how is each presidential candidate thinking of getting the country out of this terrible depression that is affecting everyone?

The United States is in the climax of 400 years of violence within our own country. It began with Columbus establishing that this continent belonged to certain white men. The nation is facing a dramatic depression because of the many bad presidents that did not do well administrating this country. This severe depression has strengthened the idea of over-seas market. American factories are making more than what the American people can purchase, the production of oil is more than can be consumed. Several years before the election, McKinley already thought of the solution, he said, “We want a foreign market for our surplus products.”

In contrast, William Bryan believes in making the same mistakes that have been committed. Bryan’s plan is to replace gold with free silver, providing easier money to farmers in poverty ‘creating money’. He thinks that with more money circulating the economy, the USA will be able to come out of the depression. But the truth is it is impossible to ‘create money’. He is tricking all the poor farmers in the south, claiming that there will be more gold and silver for everyone but the prices of food and goods will rise. Therefore, how will they be able to afford it?

A great opportunity in our interest of commerce is being presented. The nation more then ever needs a good president like McKinley who will make good decisions. There are armed troops overseas in places like Argentina, Japan, Ryuku, Bonin Islands, Nicaragua, Uruguay, China, Angola, Portuguese, West Africa and Hawaii who are protecting the interest of this country. The USA also posses the Philippine Islands; and if William Bryan becomes president he would return the islands to Spain! It is absolutely immoral to do it; the USA is responsible for the Philippines, as they cannot administrate themselves.

More than any other candidate, William McKinley is need at this critical moment. His experience with business will completely change the United States, from being the country with economical problems, depressions and panics to becoming the world’s most powerful country. This is the perfect time to make the change; it is time to export products like tobacco, cotton and wheat. Doing so will generate jobs to all different social classes from the workers to the owner of the company. Bryan’s plan of replacing gold for silver, even if it may work, will not generate jobs and will complicate the international trade because silver is worth less, in addition the rest of the world uses gold.

There is a way to get out of this terrible depression and become the most powerful country in the world; America needs William McKinley in office!

Zinn, Howard. "The Empire and the People by Howard Zinn."History Is A Weapon. 24 Oct. 2009

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