Thursday, March 11, 2010

Semester TWO, Blog #12

What were "public works projects"? What famous ones were part of the New Deal? What public works projects would you recommend for our society today?

Public Works Administration PWA 1933 Received $3.3 billion appropriation from Congress for public works projects.
Rural Electrification Administration REA 1935 Encouraged farmers to join cooperatives to bring electricity to farms. Despite its efforts, by 1940 only 40% of American farms were electrified.
Securities and Exchange Commission SEC 1934 Regulated stock market and restricted margin buying.
Social Security Act
1935 Response to critics (Dr. Townsend and Huey Long), it provided pensions, unemployment insurance, and aid to blind, deaf, disabled, and dependent children.
Tennessee Valley Authority TVA 1933 Federal government build series of dams to prevent flooding and sell electricity. First public competition with private power industries
Wagner Act NLRB 1935 Allowed workers to join unions and outlawed union-busting tactics by management.
Works Progress Administration WPA 1935 Employed 8.5 million workers in construction and other jobs, but more importantly provided work in arts, theater, and literary projects.

well i can really recommend any; we are in a depression like 65 years ago but it we have some different needs. But i think the government should work with the banks so this doesn't happen again.

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