Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Semester TWO, Blog #9

Reflection on Freedom and Structure

Post a thoughtful reflection on how you have performed within the numerous freedoms associated with Ampersand. Then post a thoughtful reflection on how you have performed within the numerous structures associated with Ampersand.
It takes me a long time to concentrate, so I have always had problems working in school with all of the distractions. I think I am doing well so far. I have been brainstormed and thought about what I could write and i also started writing too. But because its free time I really don't know if what I'm doing is find because i don't we haven't really come up with a strong structure of ampersand yet. For honors i am making this short "talk show" about ampersand and the writers. I been looking in youtube of different examples and started getting ideas about how its going to look and how i will be editing.

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