Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Blog #30: More Nature Writing!

Hey everyone, here are a few choices for our last nature writing prompts.

If you read Into Thin Air, please respond to one of the following prompts:

1. Analyze specific qualities that make a person fit to successfully pursue extreme adventures in the natural world, but also could potentially lead to disaster.

I think there should always be some kind of balance between society and personal happiness. But sadly today, it is real hard to keep a balance with such a competitive world where you are either in the society fighting for a better place in life or out in the wilderness finding the beauty of the world “ALONE”. I think everything is bad if you take it to the extreme. We are humans and like any other type of living creature and organism deep inside we don’t like being alone, or forgotten; I think that love is something fundamentals as food and water and humans need that to survive and the best way you can feel love is through another person that cares for you. Even though I admire Chris McCandless, I think his mistake was that he became so consumed by nature and it’s almost the same as if you were consumed by the material society, like an addict to shopping or partying because there is no balance. As smart and talented Chris McCandless was he did not know how to balance his life and at the end of the book I think he realized that it was time to go back to society. He learned a lot of stuff and did many new and cool things but it cost him his life to realize that “HAPPINESS ONLY REAL WHEN SHARED” (Pg189).

I took this out of my essay, made a few changes, but I think it answers the question because eventually his immature brain lead him take the extreme to find his identity. It's sad that it cost him his life to find his identity and realize that happiness is only real when searched.

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