Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Honors History Blog #4

1. Discuss your successes as an honors student this past semester.

This year has been one of the most successful when it comes to my self and school. I challenged my self by taking honors in Biology and Humanities something that I would have never taught of doing. What made me change is the fact that I really want to go to collage, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to prepare myself. I feel I have accomplished a lot of thing, I learned to organize my time a lot better from when I started in freshmen year. All the assignment and worked that I turn in was the best I could do, something that I only did before whit art projects. I feel that my writing has improved even though I have along way to go I feel more confident. Learning about the loop and other stuff like taking -ing's away have improved my writing; now I think more as I’m writing then before. I also feel proud of my self because I have learned how to balance my life between school and my personal life with out going crazy. =]

2. Discuss what you might have done differently if you do this past semester of honors over again.

There are a couple of thing I would have done differently. Media Saves the Beach brought my grade down, I had an A and it went to a B because I was not in school for 4 days and didn’t email randy my rough drafts. What I would have done differently is spend thanksgiving break in Tijuana to do my project; instead of waiting for my mom to take me. Doing so I would have had some type of video to email for a critique but I didn't. I was also behind on this project because I need my translation so I turn it in the next day. But by starting my video days before would have helped me with the deadlines. I think things happen for a reason; I learned a lot by this mistakes that hurt my grade hopefully next year this is not going to happen.

3. Discuss your goals for honors in the second semester.

My goal next semester is to get an A or an A+ I know that it’s going to hard but I know I can do it. SI SE PUEDED! I think I would have done it this semester if it weren’t for an honors assignment I did not do and Media Saves the Beach critiques. Next semester I going to work extra hard to be able to finish my work before the due date, so I can get it critique and make sure its the best I can do. I'm also going to organize my time so I feel more relaxed about due date. I think next semester is going to be better because feel more prepared.

My other goals are to improve my writing!! vocabulary!! and reading!!

4. If you could choose any parts of literature and history for our honors work, what would you pick and why?

I love history so I would not know what to choose. But what strike me the most this semester was the 1920’s, maybe because we read a book about it The Great Gatsby, but I though it was really interesting time period that I can relate to a lot. I will also pick the 1920 because I think it was a point where materialism was over the top; today in our society I think its a little bit more balance.

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