Thursday, December 10, 2009

Into the Wild

Many people have dreams and goals that are built during their childhood, but as they get older they become so busy and trapped in the vicious cycle of society that they completely forget what the world is and that we only have one life. Their main goal is now money and material items and to hold a good place in society. It is really sad to think that there are many people who are consumed by work and the material world that they never have time to explore or just admire the amazing creations of life. This brings forward emptiness inside because of their unbalanced life. Running, hiking, swimming, or just seeing nature and being in touch with it gives one pleasure and relaxation. I admire Chris McCandless because he was completely different than the average adult in today’s society; he had the strength to leave his “Rich planned” life and start a new one where nature became his parents and money, “materialism,” to him meant nothing.

Chris McCandless in many ways reminds me of my little brother—full of adventure and with a passion to learn and see the world, with no worries. Everyone should have some type of inner child. Chris McCandless was different than most adults because he never grew up, because of this, it was really hard for him to fit in society, especially to fit the standard of what his dad wanted him to be “responsible”. I really admire the freedom he felt because I don’t feel it. Since I was really small I started stressing about others’ problems and tried really hard to fit into society so people could like me, and never completely acted like myself. McCandless and my brother are not like that; they do things for themselves and not to impress others. When my brother feels like playing, he plays no matter where or with whom. McCandless also felt like not following rules and he didn’t. “He always wore shoes without sock—just plain couldn’t stand to wear socks. Chris couldn’t comply with the rule” (Pg40) said the assistant manager of McDonalds. He also had problems in school not following the rules. I also admire the fact that not many adults, especially guys his age, decided to go traveling when they could actually be working getting money and going out to parties.

Being born to a wealthy family where your life is practically planned, it’s hard to leave it and start a new one; because you could have a “successful “ life without so much effort. As long as you follow your parent’s rules they can assure you a good future, for example pay for your collage and car. McCandless was born into that environment—his parents didn’t ask him to work to bring money to his house, all they wanted was his obedience and good grades at school to represent them. I admire his strength to rebel against their beliefs and rules. He wanted to earn what he had and not just depend on what his parents gave him. “They will think they have bought my respect,”(Pg21) Chris wrote to his sister when his parents were trying to buy him a car. I also admire this because I wouldn’t have the strength to do what he did. I think if I were born to a wealthy family I would have just accepted my role. But with my life experience, “the environment of life I was born to” I think I would have done something similar like prove them wrong, that I don’t need their money to be successful and go to collage; because I was born with the mentality that everything is possible if you work for it. I also think he had the strength to live his life, not only to find his identity but because he was born homeless to his family. Not homeless because he didn’t have a place but homeless because of the rejection. His dad’s rejection was his starting point of feeling like he did not have an identity and that extreme need to find it. He was filled with anger and hate that nature was the only place he felt comfortable, that’s why I say that nature became his parents “I am going to completely knock them out of my life. I am going to divorce them as my parents once and for all and never speak to either of those idiots again as long as I live. Ill be through with them once and for all forever” (Pg 64) Chris wrote in his dairy. I think parents are really important in their children’s lives; if Chris was born in a more acceptable environment with a less stubborn dad I think he would completely been different. I thought it was really interesting when he traveled to México and found Mexicans’ to be warm friendly people. “Much more then American”(pg35) I think he felt a connection with them because Mexican’s are more accepting of people like McCandless that like nature and traveling then in the United States where success is base on education and money. I admire how he was able to leave his wealthy society so easily.

Mother Teresa once said that we have to give until it hurts, but many of us don’t. I also admire the fact that he donated his college “future” money to charity. Even though for him it was just one step to start a new life. He did something that too many of us would not do. Many people think he was greedy but they would probably not have done what he did. I thought it was great that he wanted to work to earn things and not get them for free. This makes him value his stuff even more. Everyone should be like this no matter how rich you are. We should feel the hard work it takes to earn a few coins. I also admire McCandless’ honesty and fairness. Westerberg tried to him extra money because he told he would but Chris completely rejects it he only got what he worked for and it was more then enough for him. “It’s rare to find a man as generous and good nature as you are. Sometimes I wish I had not met you though. Tramping its to easy whit all this money. My days were more excited when I was penniless and had to forage around for my new meal.” (Pg33) McCandless wrote a thank you card to Westerberg. I admire this because most people “in that situation” or homeless will take it and just be thankful not actually earning it.

In conclusion, I think there should always be some kind of balance between society and personal happiness. But sadly today, it is real hard to keep a balance with such a competitive world where you are either in the society fighting for a better place in life or out in the wilderness finding the beauty of the world “ALONE”. I think everything is bad if you take it to the extreme. We are humans and like any other type of living creature and organism deep inside we don’t like being alone, or forgotten; I think that love is something fundamentals as food and water and humans need that to survive and the best way you can feel love is through another person that cares for you. Even though I admire Chris McCandless because he was completely different then an average adult, He had the strength to leave his life and start a new one where nature became his parent’s and money to him didn’t mean anything. I think his mistake were that he became so consumed by nature and it’s almost the same as if you were consumed by the material society, like an addict to shopping or partying because there is no balance. As smart and talented Chris McCandless was he did not know how to balance his life and at the end of the book I think he realized that it was time to go back to society. He learned a lot of stuff and did many new and cool things but it cost him his life to realize that “HAPPINESS ONLY REAL WHEN SHARED” (Pg189).

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