Sunday, November 1, 2009

Blog #19: Critique a professional example
Post your inspiring professional example (put the actual work here, if you can. Try not to make us go look for it elsewhere, so for example, if you have a video, embed it).

1.What is the most successful element of this work sample? Why do you believe this?I think the most successful element in this documentary was the way they capture the scene. They probably used a wide lens to capture more and in better quality. In some parts they used a fish eye lens. I like the way they edited it making the music go with the video perfectly. I also like the color contrast it makes the trees and nature look more realistic.

2.What is the message of the work? How do you know?
I think the message of this documentary is explaining that there are in credible surf locations that people don’t know about like the Pororoca in Brasil.

3.Who or what is the intended audience for this work? How do you know?
I think the audience for this documentary is surfers, because it’s about this surf location in Brasil were once a year for only two ours something happens in Pororoca creating big waves.

4.How do specific elements of the work sample come together to deliver the message?They video recorded the waves in different angels creating a cool perspective for the audience, supporting the fact of the incredible big waves. I’m going to try to do the same for my documentary even though It’s going to be hard because I don’t have the equipment they did.

5.Describe one technique the creator of this work used. Why do you think this technique was used for this specific piece of work?
- Capturing the waves in different angle to make it look like if you were there.
-I also like the beginning when they were filming the village I really like the high color contrast it made look really cultural.

Why did you choose this work sample?
6. I choose this sample because it was one of the best ones I found in you tube, also because it has something to do with water. And I like the way they film it.

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