Sunday, November 15, 2009

Blog #24:

Following the flow of pollutants
Ocean-monitoring project will help researchers to predict beach closures

"Dozens of scientists, engineers and volunteers in wet suits and immersed in 67-degree water are setting up sensitive equipment along Imperial Beach's shoreline to better understand water pollution".
This article relates to my project its about tijuana's water pollution.

2.Blog #23: Environmental Current Events

4. Proyecto Morado
Is one of the biggest projects in Tijuana, were the goal is to educate the people and reuse water.
The idea of this project came form israel

5. Tijuana-BC Noviembre 27 de 2009 (Com-Tij):
"Para 2010, desde el Cañón del Sainz hasta El Tecolote y desde El Tecolote hasta el límite con Rosarito, las familias más pobres contarán en sus colonias con calles pavimentadas, y dejarán atrás el grave problema de acumulación de lodo que les obstaculizaba salir y entrar de sus hogares en tiempo de lluvias."

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