Monday, November 16, 2009

Optional assignment—worth 20 points:

I like how this video was written because in less the 38 second you knew your Who, Charity-Water What, There are millions of people around the world that don't have clean water Where, around the world 3rd world countries When, 3 years ago in September "birthday party idea" why, because this millions of people are getting water from awful places and get sick How, can we help giving up your birth day parities to fun raise and many other things.

Even though this was more like a commercial I like the way they convince you to help. I want to do the same thing in my video show the problem whit my who what when where why and how and give evidence to support my idea have interviews for more info video that relates and at the end say what we can do to help and what we are al ready doing. So in a way I am trying to convince the audiences.
Who: Tijuana pollution
What: The growing population is doing to Tijuana’s beaches
When: Before and now
Where: Playas de Tijuana and Tijuana’s river valley
Why: Over population, Crime making the pollution problem the last thing the government is focusing on to change and help.
How: what we can do to help “interview” and community clean up to support this

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