Monday, November 9, 2009

Blog #22: Your MSB Organizations

WiLD COAST protects and preserves coastal ecosystems and wildlife in the Californias and Latin America by building grassroots support, conducting media campaigns and establishing protected areas.

-Be a part of WiLDCOAST's latest campaign to defeat pollution at the US-Mexico border by becoming a Clean water campaign volunteer!Our Clean Water Now campaign works to create awareness in the San Diego-Tijuana border community and works to address the environmental and public health problems caused by the Tijuana River pollution. Through active community partnerships, WiLDCOAST uses water quality data to develop and carry out effective advocacy, and train community advocates to promote local, state and federal policy change.
+The recent acquisition complements several significant inland purchases in the same watershed, nearly completing the comprehensive protection of one of the region’s most significant wildlife corridors. The wetland is one of only several wetlands located on the 100 mile Valle de los Cirios Pacific Coast and provides habitat to several threatened, endangered and endemic plant and animal species. This achievement not only ensures open public access to a pristine coastal area for generations to come, it protects crucial habitat for critically threatened migratory shorebirds like the California least tern as well as near shore fisheries. Check back soon for updates on WiLDCOAST’s initiatives in Baja California.

-Through unique government partnerships, direct purchases and conservation easements, WiLDCOAST has protected nearly 15 miles of coastline in central Baja and over 120,000 acres around Laguna San Ignacio. Other initiatives are underway in Bahia Magdalena, Bahia Concepcion, San Pedro Martir, Isla Tiburon and Canal del Infernillo.

- Tire trouble knows no borders

Make sure you do this whole thing twice—once for your org and once for any other that interests you.

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