Thursday, September 10, 2009

Blog #5: Photography Techniques

Rule of Thirds

This picture was taken two years ago in the Galapagos. I think it's a great example showing rule of thirds, because I’m in the corner and the person seeing the picture appreciate the background better with out forgetting about me (in the corner).


This picture was really hard to make, because I was trying to get my cousin to look like if he wasn’t in motion but the background looking blurry (movement) I think I accomplished it very well since I was moving at the same time he was, when I took the shoot.

Depth of field

In this photo, I tried focusing only in one flower, to make the other ones blurry. When some one looks at a picture like this it makes them only want to focus on the not blurry part. This is a good technique of trying to make something stand out.

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