Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Juana Inés de la Cruz

Born November 12, 1651, in San Miguel Nepantla, when Mexico was part of Spain.
"Silly, you men-so very adept
at wrongly faulting womankind,
not seeing you're alone to blame
for faults you plant in woman's mind."

Juana Inés de la Cruz lived in the time that Mexico was a part of Spain. At the age of 3 she convinced a teacher to give her reading lessons, but when her mother found out she stopped them because of her short age. By the age of 6, Juana could read all the books in her grandfather's library. When she was 10 her grandfather, who taught her how to read, died. Her aunt and uncle hired a "Latin scholar" for Juana, but after ten or eleven lessons, Juana surpassed what the scholar could teach her and continued learning by herself. When she was a teenager she met the Mexican governor, he was so impressed to see how smart she was that he allowed her to stay at his house. There she met a lot of important people and wrote novels poems and plays that were preformed in the palace. In 1669, she entered the Convent of the Order of St. Jerome where she remained there until her death.

Juana Ines de la Cruz represents a strong, smart, determine and revolutionary woman that reached all her goals no matter what. This is the type of woman I want to be. During that time it was rare for a woman, especially a nun, to speak up go to universities and rebel against men. She has inspired me to do good in school graduate, say what I think and reach my goals.

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