Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blog #10 & 11: What's the deal with Reconstruction? And your Civil War Writing

What's the deal with Reconstruction?
The reconstruction took place in south America after the civil war, the union who had won the war didn’t want the confederates south to go back to what they use to be.

What is/was Reconstruction? What went well? What went poorly?
What was good about the civil war was that the union won, this end slavery. But "president" Ulysses Grant took the troop out of the south and moved them to Texas so they could fight against the natives! There was no federal authority in the south so very quickly it become back to what they use to be. During this time that KKK became alive.

Why is it relevant today?
If the union had not left the south by itself with no authority after the civil war, I think many people from that area would be thinking different them how they are today.
Also the USA government made the same mistake in the Iraq war. They took the Taliban’s out, but didn’t stay long enough to make sure they would come back, and they did it stronger.,2933,293487,00.html

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