Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Mother of Plaza de Mayo (AMASU) is an association of Argentina mothers whose children "disappeared" during the Dirty War taken by the military dictatorship between 1976 and 1983.

“One of the things that I simply will not do now is shut up. The women of my generation in Latin America have been taught that the man is always in charge and the woman is silent even in the face of injustice...Now I know that we have to speak out about the injustices publicly. If not, we are accomplices. I am going to denounce them publicly without fear. This is what I learned.”
María del Rosario de Cerruti

For more then 34 years, Argentinean Mothers have fought for their right to reunite with their kidnapped children that were taken by the military. The military government tortured, and killed anyone that opposed the regime; politics, young students trying to express their dissatisfactions with the regime, this also included pregnant women and babies. In 1977 the mothers that had lost their family members started gathering every Thursday wearing white head scarves, symbolizing their kids blankets and peace, protesting for more then an a hour in the plaza de mayo (Buenos Aires). They wanted to know why the government did this and what happened to them.

Before going to Argentina I didn't know any thing about this, Joann was the one that explained to me everything when we were there. This is really interesting because I like being aware of politics (corruption) especially in Latin America. I was surprised I didn’t know any thing about this, something so important. I want to learn more about The Madres de Plaza de Mayo and discover why the US government sponsored the military government? And why this topic has only stayed in Latin America “Argentina”?

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